| 1. | The eyes should have double eyelids and be round . . 眼睛要有双层眼睑,还要很圆. . |
| 2. | The eyes should have double eyelids and be round 眼睛要有双层眼睑,还要很圆 |
| 3. | My cousin just had a double eyelid operation few days ago , and it looks not bad 我表姐几天前才做了割双眼皮的手术,看起来还蛮不错的呢 |
| 4. | His dark black eyes have no double eyelids but they are big and always twinkle 他的黑亮的眼睛,不是双眼皮,但是却大大的,闪烁着光芒。 |
| 5. | The canthoplasty were done after double eyelid in 4 cases . results the canthoplasty opened canthus widely and is easy to do 结果本术式操作简便,内眦开大效果良好,术后局部瘢痕轻微。 |
| 6. | Nearly 33 percent said they would consider double eyelid surgery , followed by cosmetic improvement of the teeth and face shaping 近33 %的人表示他们会考虑做双眼皮手术,其次是矫正牙齿和重塑脸型。 |
| 7. | Objective : to introduce a method combining thread burying in eyebrow and construction of double eyelid for treatment of upper eyelid cutis laxa in the middle - aged and young 摘要目的:介绍一种埋线法固定眉结合重睑成形术治疗中青年上睑皮肤松弛的手术方案。 |
| 8. | Conclusion : thread - burying in eyebrow combined with double eyelid construction is a simple and effective strategy for treatment of middle - aged and young patients with upper eyelid cutis laxa 结论:眉埋线结合重睑术治疗中青年上睑皮肤松弛是一种简单有效的上睑年轻化治疗方案。 |
| 9. | Methods : we used 3 - 0 non - invasive thread for intradermal suture and fixed the eyebrow to the superciliary periost , then double eyelid construction was performed to remove the superfluous skin of upper eyelid in 23 patients with upper eyelid cutis laxa 方法:应用3 - 0无损伤线皮内缝合,固定眉于眉骨骨膜上,再结合重睑成形术去除上睑多余的皮肤,治疗23例上睑皮肤松弛患者。 |